Add custom buttons
The Rich Text Editor allows you extend the functions of the editor. You can create new custom buttons and add them to the editor's toolbar list.
Demo Code:
<% Dim rte Set rte=new RichTextEditor rte.Name="Editor1" rte.ToolbarItems = "{bold,italic,underlinemenu}{forecolor,backcolor,fontname,fontsize} {justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,justifyfull} {insertorderedlist,insertunorderedlist,outdent,indent} {insertlink,insertimage,insertblockquote,syntaxhighlighter} {unlink,removeformat}//{mybutton1}" rte.MvcInit() %> <script type="text/javascript"> var loader; var editor; function RichTextEditor_OnCoreLoad(rteloader) { loader = rteloader; var config = loader._config; var toolbar = config._toolbartemplate || config.toolbar; //mybutton1 is added in Editor1.ToolbarItems var btnname = "item_"+toolbar+"_"+config.skin+"_"+config.color+"_mybutton1"; var basetype = "image_" + config.skin + "_" + config.color; var define = jsml.class_define(btnname, basetype); define.constructor(function () { this[basetype + "_constructor"](); this.set_imagename("openfolder"); this.set_tooltip("My custom button!"); }); define.attach("click", function () { if (!editor) return; alert("You clicked a custom button"); editor.AppendHTML("<hr /> You clicked a custom button"); }); } function RichTextEditor_OnLoad(rteeditor) { editor = rteeditor; } </script>